Okay I've been thinking and thinking about the one word that I want to incorporate into my life this year. I think I finally came up with it. It's Live. The reason being, is sometimes with all my perfectionism and "to do lists" and great goals that I am constantly setting I forget to really stop and enjoy my life. I want to really live this year and not just let another year fly by me. I'm going to take time out for me. I'm going to have more teaparties and dress up time with Brooklyn. I want to be more supportive of Zach and really take advantage of the time we get to spend together. I want to get out of my comfort zone and try new things, for instance I'm going to take a few online classes, one being photography! I'm going to stop being so busy and really focus on what matters most to me. I'm a truly going to LIVE my life to the fullest this year.
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