I wanted to post some positive news! Last night they got dad's pain levels down and he slept really well! Krystal is staying down with my mom this week, for some support {which we are SO grateful for!} and she texted me and said he even falls asleep in the middle of eating. That is AWESOME! They got him moved & settled up at Huntsman's and started hydrating him for his next round of chemo. His doctor was very positive and couldn't believe he is even enduring the pain this long- He is SO tough! My mantra today has been "WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!" I say this in my mind over and over again.
I loved this quote I saw on my friend Jen's blog who has been coping with trials of her own:
"Faith in God includes faith in His timing." Elder Neal A Maxwell
We are also working on getting a blog of sorts just for all of dad's updates, thank you to my Aunt Kathy for working on it, as soon as we get it going, we will share the link, we think it will be easier for you to pass comments on to my mom, dad & stay more regularly updated. :)
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword
1 day ago