Feb 9, 2011

Random Obsessions…

In the dead of winter, I get a bit stir crazy. Here are a few things that are adding a little sunshine to my life right now.


This bottle of leave in conditioner is saving me & my daughter countless morning meltdowns!!! ;) Highly recommend it!! Thanks Krystal for introducing it to me!!

LOVING the 2011 Nail Polish Trends-


This is one of my favorites that I just happened to paint my toes with last night.

To see all the 2011 Nail Polish Trends go HERE.

The new Bath & Body Works Vanilla Berry scent has me craving summer. And the Butterfly Flower spray mist is lovely too.


Catching up on my pile of magazines, I read a fitness article. It said that if you hoola hoop it up for just 5 min. a day, your abs will look great in no time. Well I’m on day 4. I’ll let you know how it goes. :)


Me and my kids are enjoying this every. day. for lunch.


Cracked Pepper Turkey sandwich with fresh alfalfa sprouts & THE. BEST. BREAD. EVER.

Grandma Sycamore’s Sunflower Seed & Honey Wheat Bread. YUM. (The cracked wheat is also divine)



This is a new product that just came out in January from JD Premium.



It’s called Adapt Energy. I’ve never even tried a regular energy drink, like red bull etc. I know alot of people use them though. My concern is just how much sugar, calories & caffeine are in them. Well the Adapt Energy is a healthy alternative. The ingredients are all natural. It won’t give you that high and then crash on you. It’s a steady healthy energy, and only 6 calories per serving.

To read more about Adapt Energy Drinks go HERE .


Let’s not forget my on going hot chocolate obsession. I was freezing cold last night, so I had a little bed time snack. The Vanilla Creme peeps added just the right touch to my French Vanilla hot cocoa. Warmed me up & put me right to sleep. I am in love.

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Well, I totally want to share some of my sunshine with you. It’s GIVE AWAY time, just leave a comment, and I’ll draw a winner for a random package of a few of my obsessions right now.

Have a HAPPY Wednesday friends!!