Jun 17, 2009

For Freeeeeee....

Have you guys seen Bed Time Stories with Adam Sandler? That's where my post title came from. Makes me giggle a little. Yeah, I'm a dork.

Anyways, I just wanted to share with you some great freebies that I've found this week. First off, I ♥ music. Have you seen that cool Toyota Prius Commercial? I love the music on it and found out that you can download it for free on their website. Go HERE to get it now! Besides loving the music, I think it's pretty dang cool how they used real people for all the scenery! Crazy & Creative!
Another FUN site, is Shabby Blogs... all you background template people will LOVE this! They have the cutest backgrounds I've seen! They have free blog buttons and more! Just click on one of the buttons below, and it will take you to their site.
This is from there.
and this too...
While building my control journal, (which by the way, you guys are flattering, but that's not my handwriting it is a free font.... you can get it HERE.) I came across this great site: http://www.pollyklaas.org/ I am sticking this in my 911 section, you can sign up for free, and then you can download a Child Saftey kit, and a great lesson plan for teaching your kids about child abduction and safety. They stressed the need not to scare your kids, so the wording they used was awesome and there are sections for toddlers up to teens. We will be having a Family Home Evening Lesson on this in the next week or two. Great info!

Another great one I've been wanting to do is get our will and trust together. I haven't finished it, but Suze Orman has a great freebie to help you do it. Go HERE and use code People First.

Well, I just read THIS article about a family from Missouri who was shocked to find that their Christmas Card photo had been used in an ad in Prague, it was just luck that a friend of theirs was visiting and saw it in the window of the grocery store!
Now I'm not one to be overly paranoid about blogs, but I decided to make my kids their own blogs and make them private, I have one for each of them. I feel good about this decision, for one I can brag about them all I want and no one in the blog world has to know or care. :) So just a heads up , when you post pictures on your blog, take precautions and watermark them or reduce the resolution. I've been using this awesome site called LIVE WRITER. It's AMAZING!!! (Thanks Janeal & Nichelle.) It will let you watermark your pictures, put frames around them etc. and the best part is it takes only seconds to load your pictures instead of years in blogger! I'd recomend it to all of you. I'll still post pictures of my kids on this blog, just not as much as I used to. I'm just taking more precautions than ever. I've never had anything scary happen and I feel like we all have so much to offer one another, I get SO much inspiration from all of you! I'm not going to let fear overpower me. We should use our blogs to better the world, set a good example and proclaim our faiths. (see Elder Ballard's talk) I LOVE having an open blog, because I've met SO many great friends. I guess it's just a bit of a wake up call. I definitely don't know everyone who is looking in at my life, and while I don't mind (as long as you are not creepy!), would you please be polite and leave me a comment just for my peace of mind..... I'll even throw in a drawing, because we need some SUNSHINE in our neck of the woods! It's been raining for two weeks here! So how about your own beaded watch band!
Leave me a comment tell me something that makes you happy, and you'll be in the drawing. Simple as that. :)
Have a PERFECT day!