Hello all my friends! I've developed a bad habit lately... I've become a night owl. I get so much more done lately in the late hours of the night, when everyone is in bed but me. Maybe it's because there are no interruptions, nothing to get in the way of my to do list. I keep telling myself I need to change this routine, and quick, because I find myself dragging a little towards the end of the day and then suddenly around 9:00 pm I get my second wind!

Hope you don't mind if I get a little personal. Sometimes I just need to get the thoughts out of my head. For the last month, maybe even two, I just haven't been myself. I find myself being negative, and not wanting to do things that usually make me happy, like blogging, scrap booking, crafting, organizing etc. I've really had to make myself get out there and do the things that usually bring me joy. I don't exactly know why I have been feeling this way, it could be a number of things, which I won't go into boring details, but I'm HAPPY to report that I'm starting to come out of that little slump! I feel good tonight, I feel like everything is coming together in my little world again. Hooray!!
I also need to call on you for some help... I'm teaching a joint lesson in Young Women's on Sunday, it's on the blessings of the Priesthood... so any little quote, object lesson, handout idea you might be able to pass along would be awesome!
You know how I love to share, well I have been wanting to make one of those beaded watch bands FOREVER now, and I found THIS TUTORIAL! Can't wait to make one! {Amber I posted this link for you!} Could be a great Mother's Day gift!
I also won a little giveaway over at my new favorite blog...The Idea Room. I have been wanting one of these crayon holders forever, I've been meaning to make one... and now I won't have to! Thanks Amy! You girls will want to RUN right over to her blog! I mean seriously SOOO many yummy and fun ideas!!! I can't get enough!

Have you ever wanted to search blogs for something specific... kind of like you would on google? Well I just found this site that will let you! Sweet! http://www.blogged.com/
I've also had quite a few inquiries about my new blog design. I'm blushing! Thanks for all your sweet e-mails! I am no expert when it comes to the blog, I just learn by trial and error, but stay tuned... I'll post some of my recent blogging tips in a day or two. Have a great weekend!