Another great idea from the The IDEA ROOM! We made Amy's bath tub paints and they were seriously a huge hit at our house! The kids loved "painting" the bath tub, and now want to get in the bath several times a day just to paint! Bonus: I didn't have to work as hard doing my least favorite household chore... cleaning the showers! I'm going to make up another batch of the paint and let them go to work in the master bathroom next time! To make your own bath tub paints find the recipe HERE!
On Friday we made some YUMMY pizza! Chicken Bacon Ranch pizza, it was a hit! The kids loved it and so did I! One of my new favorite recipes!
It's been raining here, so to get our minds off of the weather and in the summer mode... we painted our toenails! Can't get enough of these darling little piggies! Here are 2 cute and quick ways to get those summer ready toes! HERE for glitter toes or HERE for how to paint a little flower just like getting your own pedicure at a spa minus the 30 bucks part!