I feel like the days go by quicker than I can snap my fingers lately! I hosted recipe group this month, such FUN girls! A few of us even stayed up talking until 1:30 am! Yikes! Get us girls together and we can gab! hehee. You can find all of the delicious recipes RIGHT HERE .
And mad some homemade Strawberry Jam for the boy. Zach loves this stuff! Now if I can just get some time to make homemade bread for him! Summer is on it's way!
Okay and last of all I wanted to share one of my new favorite blogs with you all! She has a bunch of CUTE ideas! I have bookmarked almost all of them, here is our first one that we actually carried out... Tutorial HERE
Perfect since we have extra jelly beans laying around our house from Easter.

Also if you have dealt or are dealing with infertility, check out my friend Laura's blog, Beyond the Rain. She's a great writer and really puts things into perspective.
I just went to see if Brooklyn had made any progress on cleaning her room and look what I found....
Sometimes it stinks being the mean mom who has to make such a cute little girl clean her room.