It's been close to a perfect day. One of my favorite things in the whole world is to have a day that I can spend at home, no errands. no appointments, just doing whatever we want to. Dancing with a certain little princess.
And watching Baby Einstein with a certain little guy.
Love it. How did I get so LUCKY?
Oh, but our day wasn't all laid back and fun. We got down and dirt too with some Spring Cleaning. I like to Spring Clean all year round. It's an obsession of mine. I don't know what's wrong with me but I get a natural high from a big garbage bag full of stuff to take to the DI. I've been on a 6 week purge, thanks to Peter Walsh's book that I have been reading. I definitely recommend it! On a side note have you been watching Oprah on Wednesdays? I ♥ Peter Walsh and his Clutter Crew!

This morning we took down all the blinds and washed them! Cleaned the insides of all the windows and then washed all the curtains too. (I still need to iron them, but maybe I can get to that tonight when the kids are in bed.) Ahhh. Feels SO good!
I also got the SWEETEST surprise in the mail today. If you know me very well, you know that I love to get letters in the mail. So every day I get excited to go out and get the mail. If it's anything other than bills I'm excited. So imagine my excitement when I saw this in the mail box:
Christal just out of the blue sent me this package and it made my week! I love the quote on the plaque. (Christal and I share a love of good quotes!) I've never even met Christal we've just become friends through blogging. Let me tell you a little about Christal. She is a mom of 3 darling children, all adopted and we are crossing our fingers she gets a 4th soon! ;) Christal is also one of the most positive people I've ever come across. She's darling, and she is kind and genuine. And that's not all. She's organized and obviously thoughtful too! That's why I love blogging. How else would Christal and I have ever become friends? So THANK YOU Christal, you'll never know how much your friendship means to me. And those Smarties... I think they are better than M&M's!
On Tuesday we had some fun friends over and we made hair bows and bracelets for our girls. Here are some that I made... EASY PEASY! Seriously SO simple! Brooklyn loves them.