Is everyone gearing up for the movie? EeeK! I know I'm excited!! (Although I won't be going to the midnight premier... does anyone else hate big crowds?) So I thought I'd share this fun contest with you. My CUTE friend Pam, designed this digital scrap booking kit:

FUN right?! She is giving one away on her blog RIGHT HERE! Or go here for more details on how you can purchase it! SO FUN!
I also thought I'd share these fun little candy bar wrappers, I think they would be SO cute as a little gift topper etc! Print them out HERE for free! LOVE that Rachel Ray! PS There are many more wrappers to choose from!

ANNETTE! tagged me! Seven things I can do: Organize Anything Raise Happy Children Read long books in a short period of time Stay Positive Sleep In
Make my bed every single morning Make a Difference
Seven things I can't do: Text... well not very well at all! Eat something I don't like. Have enough time in the day to do everything I want to. Discipline others Children ( I don't like to anyway) Drive without my seat belt on.
Answer my phone... hehe. Drink Milk
Seven things that attracted me to Zach: Sense of Humor
Adventure Attitude His Testimony He's HOT!
Work Ethic Loves Kids
Wisdom... He's got it together!
Seven things I say often: What??? No way! Are you serious? That's insane. Brooklyn... please throw away that wrapper you left on the floor. hurry! hurry! hurry! Braxton... I don't think so buddy.
Seven people I admire: Zach My SISTERS! Mom & Dad Mother Teresa Marjorie Hinckley Zach's Family Birth Mothers
Seven favorite foods/drinks Hot Chocolate Mexican Food A Good Old Salad Pasta H2O Rocky Road Ice cream
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Seven people I tag: Anyone Who Wants to Do this!
And last of all, I read THIS blog post and it really resonated with me! I LOVE this idea!!
She says: "How many times do we complain when something goes wrong. When service is bad or a product doesn't work right? But what about when things go smoothly? When you are surprised by how nice someone is or how well something went? Often those things make my day but I don't pass it along, know what I mean?"
"So, here's my challenge to you. And to me. Let someone know that you are happy about what they did. It could be the fastest cashier at the market. An employee who goes out of their way to help you find something at the hardware store. A mom at the school who helped your child find a lost jacket. A teacher who continues to inspire your child. A friend who lets you know when they found the retired webkinz you've been searching for." And don't limit it to strangers or acquaintances. How about your spouse? Or child? "
I'm in! This is perfect for everyday and especially perfect with the Holidays coming up! Lets start now and spread the JOY! I recently got the SWEETEST Thank You note in the mail... (Thank YOU Jessie!) It made my day, no, more like it made my week! It was sincere and simple. I am going to pass it on!
For Family Home Evening last week we even got Brooklyn to start thinking about it. We talked about Thanksgiving and what it means to be Thank people, and what we are thankful for. We wrote Thank You cards to people who gave her presents for her Birthday. She colored them and put them in the mailbox. It was simple, yet a start. I don't want to raise ungrateful children. I want them to look around and see the good in this world and be grateful for it!
Sometimes it's hard to see all that we might have right in front of us, but let's all be GRATEFUL. Let's spread the JOY and pave the way into the Holiday Season!