It was alot of fun! My sister -in-law Linda was in charge of putting the games together, and let me tell you, I'm not a huge fan of cheesy games at showers. Linda did an awesome job and I thought I'd share the games she came up with.
game #1. She had all guests write on a blank envelope their mailing address. She attached stamps to the envelopes beforehand (This way Chelsea was good to go on Thank You notes) and she just put them all in a bowl and drew out a couple for doorprizes. Great idea I thought! game #2 She brought a shower cap, Chelsea (the bride) started out wearing it, and then whoever happens to say the bride-to-be's name must wear the shower cap until they hear someone else say her name. Silly yes, but we had lots of good laughs about it. :) game #3 As the bride-to-be opened our gift we got to ask her a ? about her or her fiance, their dating stories, first kiss, etc. It was alot of fun. We got some pretty creative questions answered! hehe. I made these Cookies & Cream Truffles... they were SO easy and super yummy.
Crush the Oreos in a food processor (should be like crumbs). Pour into a mixing bowl/mixer. Add in the cream cheese and mix until well blended. Refrigerate approx 15 minutes. Roll into balls. In a separate bowl, melt all the chocolate chips together and drizzle over balls. Hint: Melt the chips in the microwave, along with a teaspoon of Crisco. Once melted, place them in baggie & cut the corner of the bag (a very small hole) and drizzle over the balls. Store truffles in the fridge.
Yield: About 30 truffles
So that brings me to this: