I think the most important part of my post will be this challenge that Mrs. R. has posted on her blog. We are approaching the Holiday Season and in the spirit of giving please go read THIS POST. and just see if there is anything you might be able to do to help. :) This is the PERFECT way to start your holiday season off right!!
We had such a good time last night with the youth in our ward! Zach & I both love working with such wonderful kids! Here are a few pics from our FUN activity. We played the "Amazing Race". {We really have GREAT youth! I love that they are up for anything and always have a great time together!}
I also wanted to remember this, I just thought it was cute. Brooklyn & I were fixing lunch the other day. We were having grilled cheese sandwiches. I told Brooklyn to go get up to the table and I would bring over her plate. She kept saying something that I could not understand. It sounded like "do it like Grandma, mom, an "uhteri", I kept saying What?? "An uhteri mom." Finally I figured out that she had played at Grandma's a month or two ago, and that Grandma had made Brooklyn a grilled cheese sandwich that looked like this:
Brooklyn wanted her sandwich to look like a butterfly! I thought it was pretty sweet that she remembered that from such a long time ago!
Hey and one more thing a few girls from my recipe exchange group introduced me to THIS blog...if you have some time to waste (yeah right?!) then check it out. It really is a FUN read. Cordy cracks me up. I can't decide if I think the guy is a big jerk or if she is really living in a dream world... or if I am pathetic for reading it. lol. Pretty funny stuff. Here is a little excerp from her blog...
I'm still trying to figure out a costume to wear for our Halloween Party this Friday... any suggestions? :)

"Hi there I'm Cordy. I'm horribly in love with my best friend and this blog is part of my very feeble, sad little attempt to get over him and get on with my life - at least that was the original plan. Create a blog! Take positive steps toward having a life! "