I wasn't planning on posting today, I've just ran into some amazing things that I think each of us could benefit from taking a second to be apart of. First off as I was checking bloglines earlier this morning, I read this. Her post is titled Heart Break and Tragedy. It's about everything that's going on over in China, she really made me think about my life and what I take for granted. Her last words are "Perhaps the best thing I can do is to try to change me and live a more grateful life." Perfectly sums it all up. Then in my bloglines account I click the next updated blog,still thinking about all those families in China, and what I need to do to live a more grateful life and change me. NOT kidding you I read this article., next,all about a 29 day giving challenge! hmmm... do you think someone is trying to tell me something?! So please joining me, you can sign up for the 29 Day Giving Challenge too! Why not make the world a better place and start today!
Mother Teresa: "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
May 16, 2008
We can do no great things, only small things with great love...
Labels: Inspiration, Me, quotes