We had quite the week here. I've sure missed blogging. I wasn't even on a media fast... but I felt like it! So the day after my birthday, Zach went to work hooking my new Maxtor external hard drive up for me. I was so excited, however we had an OLD computer. I think we had bought it in 2002, right after we had gotten married. It didn't have much space to begin with and after I had started my digital scrapbook addiction, I had used up almost ALL of the extra space on our computer, we didn't even have enough space to install the Maxtor! Zach wasn't extremely happy with me. He has his own laptop so he had no idea how much digi-scrapbooking supplies were loaded on up on my computer. lol. So we ended up deciding we should just buy a new computer. So by the time Zach got everything hooked up for me and we could get an appointment for our internet provider to come out and hook us back up, it has been almost a week! I'm LOVING my new computer though. And it made for a great extra birthday/mother's day gift! lol. I'm still getting used to it all and transfering all my old stuff back on to it. It will probably take a while. I hope each of you had a Happy Mother's Day! I had the best Mother's Day yet. I can not get over how super-sweet Zach was to me this week, you see, most of the time Zach is pretty un-romantic. Wait, not that it's a bad thing, I knew this going into our marriage. Wink. And have been fully prepared to buy my own gifts for all special occasions, including but not limited to: Birthdays, Valentines Day, Christmas etc. For some strange reason though, I have a hard time buying myself a Mother's Day present and since it has taken me quite a while to become a mother, I have had visions of Zach doing something extra special for me, even if it was just a card or something small, I know it shouldn't be a big deal, but it was to me. So for the last 2 years, I was a little bummed out when I didn't get anything. Zach always jokes that he has gotten me flowers, you know the ones that they give all the mom's at church?! Plus Mother's Day is so close to my birthday, I think Zach thinks that the two holidays can be counted as one. This year was different though. Zach has had to be out of town alot lately for work. It has been super hard on all of us, but at the same time it has made us appreciate each other and drawn us closer together. He got me a spa package.
I'm so incredibly excited. I've never had a facial, massage or even a pedicure! Even if he hadn't taken the time to get me an awesome gift, it was the little things that he did for me this week. Changing extra diapers, watching the kids while I went out with friends, taking a whole day off to go shopping with me, treating me like a queen, and writing the sweetest notes to me. I could not ask for a better husband, and friend. I also wanted to express my deep gratitude and love for Brooklyn & Braxton's incredible Birth Mother's. It is only because of them that I am able to experience motherhood. I will forever be grateful. I had the awesome opportunity, to help put together a Birth Mother appreciation dinner for some of the birth mother's in our area on Saturday. It was incredible. These girls, are amazing. Each of them, brought pictures to share of their sweet children and told a little bit about themselves and the road they've chosen. One sweet girl had only placed one week ago, yet she was upbeat and positive that she had made the right decision. These girls gave me hope and much inspiration. I was so honored to take part in it. When Brooklyn came into our home, one of my sister-in-law's gave me this beautiful quote. I LOVE it. I think it puts everything into perspective for me. Once there were two expectant mothers. One carried and cared for you beneath her beating heart. She became your birthmother. The other carried the hope of you within her. She became your Mom. As the days passed, and you grew bigger and stronger, Your Birthmother knew that she could not give you all you needed after your birth. Meanwhile, your Mom was ready and waiting for you. One day your Birthmom and your Mom found each other.