Okay, It may seem like I'm a blog-junkie. lol. I'll admit I do enjoy my blogging, but I don't let it consume my life and many have asked me how I find the time to blog at all. My secrets... one BLOGLINES! It is a total time saver, I've mentioned that a couple of times on here. Check it out in my Favorite LInks on the side bar. Two, I blog and surf the net only if my chores are done, aka house clean, kids bathed and napping (I'm lucky because my kids take really good naps!) and feeding Braxton takes up a big chunk of time in my life right now, so while I feed him, I surf. That is how I find all my fun links. And that is the reason for this post, I've found a few new ones, that I'm loving! Here we go... This first blog is so fun! In honor of Mother's Day coming up... go read it. She has such an honest yet hilarious approach to loving life and being a mom! Her blog is called Pony Tail Challenge. Second Blog is called,Tip Junkie. Her two most recent posts 5-4-08 and also5-5-08, have some GREAT advice and tips for blogging. I LOVED it, as it answered a ton of questions that I myself had wondered about. One question I've been wondering about was what do you all think about having music on your blog? I love it personally, but I know not everyone's music style is the same,plus when I post videos you have to shut it off anyway... so my question is...Is it annoying to you to have it on auto play? I'm going to start a poll... on the side bar, to see what you all think about my own playlist. So be honest. :) #3 If you are into scrapbooking/card making, Kandis's Blog has tons of inspiration. LOVING it. and four...Season's of Change is also giving me lot of inspiration to get going on my scrapbooking and card making. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes! I had the perfect day! Zach spoiled me. We went to lunch with some of my family and then my mom took my kids so we could go shopping. I needed new jeans in a bad way. I hate jean shopping... it is SO hard to find that perfect pair of jeans that fit just right. It must have been my lucky day... because I found 2 pairs at American Eagle. If you are short like me, you might try their jeans. Oh and the best part... great prices!
, I also got an external Hard drive for my all my digital scrapbooking, thanks Janeal, for helping me figure out what kind I should get.
And I'm still searching for some shoes similar to this...
My mom got me a new Temple Dress. Yea! Just in time to get Braxton sealed to us in August!! I want to get some really cool pics of us all in white with the Temple in the back ground. Zach's mom got me these letters that spell HOME,(I wanted to post a pic, but blogger isn't letting me upload pics, I'll try again later. I've been eyeing them FOREVER at Real Deals , EVERYONE spoiled me. And it's my sister-in-law's birthday today! Happy BIRTHDAY AMber! We are SOOO glad they are back home, so we are having cake & icecream again tonight with Zach's fam. It doesn't get much better than that! Hope you all have a great day!
May 7, 2008
Blog Junkie and Birthday fun...
Labels: Blogging, Daily Life, Fun Finds, Inspiration, Products I ♥