So I'm feeling great, totally renewed and rejuvenated! Wasn't conference amazing?! And I am so excited about all your comments! I am feeling much better about who is viewing my blog, I have decided not to go private as of yet. However I do have a couple of changes I want to make to the blog, I've been reading up on the subject and I also want you all to be aware of what I've found out. First off I think EVERYONE should have some sort of site meter on their blogs, for your own protection. Two of the best meters I have seen are Site Meter and Blog Patrol they are both free and it just lets you check to see how many hits you are getting and where they are coming from. I use site meter. I also saw on a few of my other friends blogs, that they had put copyright notices on their pictures and also posted a notice on their blogs. (I'm not really worried about you guys peaking in at my life, though I feel pretty boring, and I can't believe so many of you are interested in it. haha. :) but even if you aren't a professional photographer... (like me) you just need to keep the pics of your kids safe, I just don't want anyone to be able to download them and use them for anything they want. If you go to Chantri's Blog, she has a great tutorial on how to put a copyright on your photos and why it's so important! Check it out for sure! Okay now on to the FUN stuff! I've been up to ALOT this week, with my media fast, I did pretty dang good, I'm not going to lie, I did watch the Dancing With the Stars Episode and also the Barbra Walters Special on how to live to be 150 year old! But I REALLY cut back and had pretty much no computer time, I got alot done and I also noticed that our home was more peaceful, I was more attentive and focused on what I needed to get done last week. I missed blogging alot, but it was definitely what I needed last week! So I'll be posting what we did last week little by little as the week goes on. :) As for the winner.... I had no idea I'd get that many comments, I seriously thought I'd get 3 or 4, I'm overwhelmed and excited! I hope you don't mind but, I've added all you new-comers to my bloglines account, so I can check back with you! :) I'm so excited to get new ideas and get to know you all! FUN! Okay... I used a random number drawing this time, the number that it chose was 24... which would be Hilarie!Hilarie! So e-mail me at sunshineinmysoul_33(at)yahoo(dot)com with your address so I can get it mailed to you! To tell you the truth, I don't even know what I'm going to send you yet, so maybe I'll give you a couple of options! :) I'll leave you with a few of the things I got done last Monday...
- deep cleaned my closet, moved winter shoes and clothes to the back (hope I didn't jinx myself) I bet I took 3 trash bags to the idea from my house this week! :) That always feels good.
- Scheduled dentist appointments... can you believe in a few weeks I have to get my wisdom teeth out?! I'm pretty nervous, since I've never even had stitches or a broken bone Ugh... any tips for a speedy recovery welcome!
- Did a little scrapbooking
- took Brooklyn outside to play
- Finished my card club cards... all the girls did such cute ones, I'll have to post their ideas later too!! Here are mine.
Hope you have a great day!