I was tagged by Nichelle... A-ATV of choice? Prob. a 4-wheeler, that's all he really ever uses. B-Born on? July 3 C-Cookies or Candy? Both... sour candies or snickerdoodle cookies D-Date of Choice when you go out? Anything outdoorsy E-Essential Item? Cell Phone or ipod F-Favorite Foods? Steak medium rare G-Gas or Diesel vehicle? Which one? one of each H-Hobbies? FIshing, hunting, camping, learning & trying anything new, riding horses, roping (he makes a pretty darn cute cowboy!) :) He's usually up for about anything! I-Ice Cream Flavor? Rocky Road and lately A&W rootbeer float. J-Job? Financial Planner and we recently started our own transport business (oh and we are hiring! E-mail me if you need a job) :) K-Kids? Brooklyn 2 1/2 Braxton 2 1/2 months L-Last Vacation as a couple? We went to Denver and Las Vegas last Fall M-Morning person or night owl? Not really either. He likes to go to bed early and sleep in! lol. He requires alot of sleep. :) N-Number of Siblings? 3 brothers 2 sistas O-OCD or sloppy? He's pretty clean for the most part, but he likes to let things go until they get pretty bad (like his car) and then clean it out. P-Pet Peeves? My indecisiveness and my OCD of a clean house... he often says it looks like no one even lives at our house. oops. I need to work on that don't I sweetie?! :) Q-Quiet or Loud? Loud, he's not shy at all. R-Restaurant? Sizzler, Texas Road House and Chinese S-Sports? Rodeo T-Tight wad or spender? It depends on what we are talking about. U-Unknown Fact about him? Zach likes to get into new hobbies ALL the time...he is ALWAYS finding something new to learn but once he has mastered it, he's on to the next thing. I often tease him about this... he gets bored extremely easily. V-Vegetables? He loves veggies I'm gonna say corn on the cob, sweet potatoes or carrots and anything steamed. W-Worst Habit? Forgetting to lock the door at night... but don't worry, I ALWAYS lock it. :) X-Xtra Curricular activities in high school? Rodeo Y-Your favorite things about him? His sense of humor and love for his family he would do anything for us! Z-Zodiac Sign? Not sure, and I'm being too lazy to look it up. lol. I LOVE YOU Zach!!! I tag- everyone that wants to do this!