Last night I got to go get some girl time in! A few girls I've met through blogging, and some fun girls I have known for years, got together for dinner, each of us were assigned a dessert, salad, main dish, drink, appetizer etc. to bring. It came together so well and we had so much fun. We've decided to try and meet once a month. The food was amazing and it was great just to have some girl-talk! Thanks Janeal, Amberlee,Nichelle, Hanna,Natalie,Sueann, & Katie for the great night! Can't wait until next month! Wish me luck, I'm off to make something REALLY good for dinner tonight, who knows when I'll be able to get anything other than Jamaba juices down me in the next few days! I don't know how long it'll take me to recover from my wisdom teeth removal. But hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll be feeling like myself again. Have a great weekend!