Remember this card? Well I finally found the website I got the cute bird template... just in case anyone wanted make one. :) Bird Pattern And another vinyl project I've been working on, I'm going to hang it right above the oven.
So when it's crazy and hectic at dinner time I can remember that making dinner is really important for my little family. So anyway... you know what I'm LOVING right now??
These jalepeno cheetos are SO good. Wish I had some right this very minute. Oh and do you know why I love blogging so much? Because of little things like this
If you don't remember Hilarie won the big give away on my last drawing. I sent her a little something, and then she sent me back this cute card and bows that she had made! Thanks so much Hilarie. It totally brightened my day. :) and this...
I won Marci's 100th post give-away! :) I'm so excited to try out some of these great recipes! Sometimes when I really think about the state that our world is in, I panic. I feel major anxiety concerning the crime rate around the world, the peer-pressure that my kids will have to face in their teen age years, global warming, food shortages, etc. etc. It's easy to fall into a bit of depression or gloomy way of thinking and then I look at all the amazing people I've met through blogging, and I think, just look at all the good that there really is in the world! Perfect strangers showing each other kindess that often gets over-looked by so many of us. So thanks to ALL of you for lifting me up and helping me see past the bad. So many of you have touched my life in one way or another for good. One of my favorite quotes is "Walk towards the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you!" Have a great weekend!