I've been going over and over the miracle we have just been able to be apart of. I feel like I need to get this story out and into writing, before I forget any of the details. This story actually starts out near the end of November. We got a call from our caseworker saying that a birthmom was looking at our profile. We got excited about it, but then we didn't hear anything so we figured she had chosen another couple. Then sometime in early December we got a call from our caseworker again, he told us that we had been selected, but that was all he could tell us, he also said that we would be recieving more information from her soon. We were so excited and the anticipation to know more was almost too much! About a week later we recieved a letter and a picture from Shanna. She had made the sweetest card that said "Congratulations It's a Boy!" She went on to tell us her due date and a little more about herself and the decision she had made to let us adopt this little boy that had been growing inside of her. I could cry just thinking about it. We had the opportunity to meet her and her mom about a month later. I was so nervous to meet them, but my fear quickly faded when we embraced in a sweet hug. We visited with them for a short time and then continued to keep in contact through e-mails and occasional phone calls. As I visited with Shanna over the course of a few months, I came to know an amazing young woman, who is courageous, unselfish and beautiful. Near the end of January Shanna invited us to come to one of her doctor visits. This was such an honor for me. I was able to hear our little Braxton's heart beat. Is that not one of the most incredible sounds in the world? Shanna's midwife also told us that she was ephased 80% and already dialated to a 3! Braxton was due on February 18th, so we had thought we might have a little more time to prepare! Shanna went into labor on Thursday January 31st and our sweet baby boy came into the world at 5:39 am Friday February the 1st 2008. Shanna was so sweet and called us around 7:30 to tell us the great news! She told us we could come right up to the hospital. As much as I wanted to jump into my car and head out on the 21/2 hour drive, Zach had to finish up some things for work, and we decided it would be best to give them a day to have Braxton all to themselves. We got to the hospital Saturday afternoon.Here we are meeting Mr. Braxton for the very first time!
We got to meet many of Shanna's friends and family which was such a neat experience for us. We also were able to meet Braxton's birth father. It was a little bit of a surpirse for us, since most of the time when you adopt that is not a possibility. He was very nice and we felt lucky to have had that opportunity.
Shanna was able to stay in the hospital until Sunday and then we met at the agency for placement. This is such a bittersweet moment. There are so many emotions involved. You are filled with love and joy and such gratitude but at the same time we ache for our sweet birthmom's and their families. I was so glad that Shanna had many friends and family there to support her in this decision. The comforting spirit filled the room and I could not believe the strength that Shanna exhibited!
We are now finally catching back up around here. We are enjoying our little guy so much! He is such a joy to us! Brooklyn is in heaven playing "little mommmy" all day long! She loves being a big sister and is such a good one!
We are so incredibly blessed to be able to have these beautiful children in our home. I feel honored and they inspire me, to stretch myself and become a better person and make a difference in the world.