volunteering in Brooklyn’s classroom
play dough. they can spend hours doing this!
our rescued kitty yummy. we L♥VE her!
obsessive compulsive? don’t answer that. I L♥VE vacuum lines in my carpet!
Ruby Red. Breakfast most days.
flowers from a sweet friend. dishes. oh how i wish they weren’t apart of my life! :)
new mug for my collection. We have been drinking Calli tea almost every night.
undone projects…
project life catching up.
Trying to complete some Family Home Evening Kits…Do you see a theme here? Lots of UNDONE projects?!!!
Part of the super hero squad… Batman, no Spiderman?!! ♥ this boy.
a few January decorations from last month.
Lost tooth #2!
Curled up with a good book one cozy afternoon.
we love to get our groove on with Just Dance!
This is what Braxton does 80% of his days… hangs with the Super Hero Squad!
Time with cousins.
jumpin’ puddles in this unseasonably warm weather. I adore it!
started yet ANOTHER project. :)
Sunday Night Popcorn
The never ending to-do list…
Where I sleep.
play date with friends.
Shoveling snow for mom.
Making cookies with one cute boy and a bunch of dinosaurs!
Playing Cinderella. Please stop growing up. I never want you to be to big to dress up.♥
Carpool duty.