First off I wanted to apologize for not getting to this sooner and also for the crazy website confusion and link mix ups! It should all work now. SO lets get to the winners! I decided to give away one of each, the Emerald Buffing Cream goes to- Lucky #4 Christina!
and the K-48 plus goes to-
Kristy #13 Congratulations! Please e-mail me your addresses, and I'll get it to you asap! Thanks to everyone who showed interest in JD Premium products! I've had a bunch of e-mails asking exactly how to order the product, enroll in the company etc. So hopefully if you have a question I'll answer it in this post. First off HOW TO ORDER: If you would like to order or there are two ways you can do it. Retail customer (pay full price) or Preferred customer (25% discount)
GO HERE, for Preferred customer;
GO HERE, for Retail customer; Just type in this user name: avalanche The form that pops up will ask you for a user name or sponsor ID, just paste the user name in the blank. Pick the product you would like to order, and then you will be guided through the check out process. {The K48- Plus is the 4th item down on the order page. } Keep in mind the preferred customer link gives you a 25% discount and makes sure you get your supply monthly. The Retail customer link is a one time purchase and is at full price. Another thing to keep in mind, is you can always cancel your monthly shipments with no questions asked. But who would do that? :) We personally can't live without it!
Oh, and as a preferred customer, you get your own website and user name and the company will pay you to refer people. {That's how we get our product for free plus have a little fun money!}
As always you can e-mail me with any questions you have! Next week is much slower than this week and I will be able to reply much quicker!