I'm in some kind of Spring Time funk. I have lots to blog about, I just don't want to make the time to do it. I figured I better since I do want to share with you a couple of fun links for
If you are looking for something to keep your older kids busy with try THIS.
I'm planning on printing it out and just letting Brooklyn use the coloring pages on it. I can't wait, I think I need some uplifting messages to get me out of this little rut I'm in!
We also had a great family home evening on Monday night. I got the idea from
Lately it seems like quality not quantity is what we are aiming for in our FHE lessons. We've got about a 15 minute time span to get the message in before we need to play some games and have a treat! haha. So after reading Shelly's post I thought, perfect! I can do that. We talked to Brooklyn about work ethic. What would happen if daddy didn't go to work? Or what if mommy stopped making dinners and cleaning the house? We also told her how rewarding and fun work can be. I downloaded THIS cute chore chart, took pictures of Brooklyn making her bed, reading books & brushing her teeth and attached them to her chore chart. Now each day when she does her "chores" she gets to put a sticker by it. So far it's been a huge hit! 
Last week my friend Shaela
came to visit. ( She drove all the way from WA a 9 hour drive alone with two kids!) Shaela & I became friends while our husbands were going to college and we were neighbors. I also got to meet Kim,
we became friends through blogging, and finally got to meet up! It was a fun filled day. The kids had fun playing together and we had fun visiting too! Thanks Kim & Shaela for stopping by! :)
I also took a day and replenished my stash of homemade cards (I ♥ having cards on hand). My friend Kristeen, let me borrow her stamp set, and I went crazy with it, SO fun to have a few more to pick from when I'm sending them out. Made me feel productive and got a little creativity flowing through my veins. Felt good! I still need to stitch a little on each one with my sewing machine, but haven't yet got around to it. Great way for me to use some of those paper scraps!
I picked a new book to read, I decided on Tuesday's with Morrie.

I'm excited. I think I'll love it. It's a short read and then I'm going to move on to Angels & Demons,

I've heard alot about this book, heard it's better than the Davinci Code, so I'm excited about it too! Thanks Angie, for letting me borrow it!
I had the opportunity to go to the General Young Women's Broadcast and it was awesome!
It was pitch black so I couldn't take very good notes, but a few things that stood out to me:
President Monson quoted Mother Teresa: "If you are too busy judging people, you have no time to love them." He challenged the girls to have the courage not to judge others.
Sister Ann M. Dibb said "We must unite and help one another to become virtuous. "Virtue is dying in this world around us.
Sister Elaine Dalton said, " One virtuous woman can and will change the world."
"You are not common, you are not ordinary , You are a daughter of God."
She asked us what our personal banner would be or what our one message to the world might be? I loved that!
All of the talks were amazing. It spurred up some great emotions for me. Last night at 10:30 pm I wrote this letter to my sweet Brooklyn.
Dear Brooklyn,
I am sitting here tonight after you fell asleep in my arms. I carried you to bed and paused to look at your angelic face. I knelt in prayer and thanked my Heavenly Father for you. You are so precious to me & to your Heavenly Father. As I look at the world around us I often wonder about the trials you may face. I wonder how your life will turn out and what your future holds. As I look back at my own life I realize that there is much of my past that I would wish to change, however I also understand that I have learned and grown from my mistakes as well as my tests & trials, as I hope you will. I know that you are not common, you are anything but ordinary, You are a daughter of God. I just pray that you will rise to the occasions in your life where you will be required to have much courage- courage to choose the right-the courage to be a virtuous young woman, if you can do this I have no doubt that you will change the world! As you grow and become a beautiful young woman, I challenge you to ask yourself: What your personal banner or motto is? What will your message to the world be? I have no doubt that you will do great things. I love you so much that sometimes I think my heart might burst with gratitude and joy. You are so perfect. You already want to do good and at such a young age. I am truly grateful for you Brooklyn. Always know that I love you.
Love, Mom