Sorry to have been MIA for SO long! I had such a perfect vacation! I'll just spend a little time recapping it. But first... THE GIVE-AWAY! I used and #40 was our winner which is Cameron & Melissa!!!
E-mail me your address and I'll get it in the mail ! Thanks for all your comments I LOVED reading through them all. I'm so grateful for all my blog readers out there. It makes my day to get a sweet e-mail from one of you or a kind comment. Thank you Thank you!
We left last Friday, and I got to visit IKEA and Tai Pan Trading for the first time... I had to limit my spending since I still had 9 days left of fun! I'm definitely going back when I save up my $$ again!! I got this CUTE red tin and picked up some spiky greenery to go in it too!
Well Day #2 of vacation we headed to LA. We walked Holly Wood Blvd. and did a little shopping. We also headed to China Town. Where we got loads of funky and fun jewelry for cheap! ♥ed it!!
Day #3 We headed to The Happiest Place On Earth! Disney Land!! I told Brooklyn I would get pictures of the Princesses and the castle for her! We had allot of fun!
Day #4 Back to the beach and we met this cute little seal, we watched him fish for hours it was so fun to be so close up to an animal I've only seen in pictures!
We also fell in love with Yogurt Land...
anyone been there? If so you will know what I'm talking about!
Day #5 We hit the outlet malls!
Also ate at the Cheese Cake Factory. Pure Bliss. We had so much fun and allot of laughs! I LOVE my sisters. I seriously feel bad for any of you who don't have a sister. We were minus Krystal and we missed her! She had to stay home and do the college scene dang it.
Also a HUGE thanks to this guy...
Neal (my brother-in-law) for putting up with late night giggling, girl talk, chauffeuring us everywhere and for cooking us his AWESOME Stromboli.. want the recipe? Go HERE.
So I'm back home and have a renewed appreciation for my sweet husband. He took such great care of the kids for me. He even took them both to the doctor when they came down with colds & an ear infection. The house was clean when I got home and even the laundry caught up! I have to admit I was worried leaving them all for that long, but I didn't need to, Zach even said he had fun being Mr. Mom! I am one LUCKY lady!
Have a PERFECT day, I'll be back soon!!