I love the R House blog for so many reasons, but one of the reasons is she gives me so many opportunities to serve others. Please check out THIS post and see if you think there is anyway you could help some beautiful birth mothers who have recently placed their babies for adoption.
The charity is called Birth Mom Buds. They put packages together for birth mothers. The package includes simple items, so you could even just donate some journals a CD etc. If adoption has touched your lives, this is a great opportunity to give back to some beautiful women!
We LOVE our Birth Mom's... and with Braxton's birthday coming up at the end of the week, it seems like I have been reflecting a little on the way our family came to be. It sure makes me appreciate these beautiful girls that have come into our lives and made our family possible! We LOVE you Bri & Shanna!
{My mom & dad made this picture, for me for Christmas, Don't you LOVE it? I do!}
Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
With History being made last week, I thought I'd also record my feelings about it all. To be honest, I did not vote for Obama. However I have been very impressed by his leadership skills this week, and I am confident that he will do what he thinks is best for our Country. I may not agree with many of his points of views, but I have been encouraged by his kindness and many of his new ideas. To read one article in particular go HERE. I am so thankful to live in a land that is free. We can all make a difference in this world and in our communities. He faces many big challenges in the upcoming years and I am grateful that he is willing to take them on!
On another political note, I think that THIS letter that the Bush Twins wrote to the Obama girls was SO sweet & thoughtful! Thank you, Betsy for showing it to me!
Oh and one more, Christal had this on her blog and I died laughing! Too funny!