Want to win a free purse?
Go check out http://www.handbagplanet.com/ They are giving away a free purse every hour! I know I don't need another purse... but I'm always looking for another cute little bag! Why is that?!

I've also had alot of questions about the HOw to Host a Murder Parties... I have never actually planned one, I've just been to a couple. One website that you can check out is: http://www.executivehomemaker.com/content.asp?pid=96&id=353
I also found a fun one you could use for a church activity and it's free, http://www.homeandholidays.com/files2/viewarticle.php?articleid=10228

I just saw on Kayla's blog that right here in good old IF town you can get Gelato in the mall, Hello!! The little shop is called Dolce Vita... I LOVE Gelato! I'll be heading that way soon!

Can you believe we have less than 80 days until Christmas? I started my Christmas shopping yesterday! FUN !!! Kind of crazy to have a Halloween post and Christmas post in one right?! Hmmm.
I'm also planning on starting the "Boo" up in our neighborhood... All you do is take some goodies{I like to put the goodies in one of those cute plastic pumpkins} to a friend or neighbor with this poem attached, and leave it annonomously on their door step...you should try it too.... here is the fun poem to put with it.

Since this is the time for goblins and bats Halloween spirits and ghosts and cats Happenings are weird and witches make brew The following are the things I wish for you. May the only spirit you chance to meet Be thee spirit of love and friends that are sweet. May the only goblin that comes your way Be the neighborhood phantom, the breeze takes away. So by tomorrow, pick a friend down the street And give to them a Halloween treat. Fill this pumpkin with goodies galore, Then hang it on their front door. You only have one day to do this, so hurry Leave treats on their door and run in a flurry As this cone moves along from friend to friend, All good wishes go on and never end HAPPY HALLOWEEN
It's time for me to start thinking about dinner, and I really wanted to get my windows washed today too, so we can head up for a fun day of camping with the family. Hope you have a wonderful experience watching General Conference this weekend, if you would like to learn more about General Conference, check this website out: http://www.lds.org/broadcast/gc/0,5161,8176,00.html