Letti, &
Camille, E-mail me your mailing addresses and I'll get your headbands out in the mail! Thanks everyone for entering! I LOVE all my blogging buddies, you are all SO much fun!! I just HAVE to share this, my mom e-mailed me these and I died laughing! I thought we could all use a good laugh today, hey, it's Monday right?! {if you can't read them just click on the picture to make them bigger}

DREAM ON GIRLS! RIGHT?! lol To answer your ? Amy... about the dresses, we got them at
Down East Outfitters. Thanks for leaving me a comment, it's always fun to see who is reading your blog! :) PS I didn't know how else to contact you since your blog is private. Oh and I've had so many questions about what I was doing last Wednesday... The secret was me and my sister-in-laws were putting together a suprise birthday party for my mother-in-law. We decided to just have an icecream sunday bar and cake So here are a few pics from the big event:

It turned out really great! She definitely doesn't look old enough to be 50 does she?! We love you Sheila! One more thing I've been whipping up are some
visiting teaching, treats... I LOVE putting these together in the fall for little treats to pass around to friends or it makes a cute fall party favor. It's just an apple and those cute little carmel apple dips...

{My cute sister-in-law
AMBER made the Cake! Isn't it AMAZING?! }