I know alot of you who like to use pre-made templates... thank you :Shannon. for introducing :THIS awesome site to me!! Braxton had his 6 month well baby check up... we finally figured out that he has Reactive Airway. It's sort of like baby asthma, but he will eventually grow out of it, but for now, we get to do breathing treatments 3x a day. Poor little guy, isn't a huge fan... On Sunday I got released from my favorite church calling ever... Activity Day Leader.
(Here are a few of my girls at our last activity on Monday, I just LOVE them!) My new calling is teaching the 12-14 year old girls in the Young Women's Program. I'm a little intimidated, since I haven't taught Young Women's since I was first married... our lesson this week is on Scripture Study, one that I probably need more than the girls! Here is the handout I made today to go along with the lesson.The good news is that by next year, I will have alot of my cute Activity Day girls in my Young Women's class! And so it's been another busy week. I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. P.S. Any tips on being in Young Women's would be much appreciated! :) Hope you are all having a perfect week!!