I was tagged by Steph & Amberlee so here goes....
Two Names I Go By: Holly & Holl
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: Jeans and a brown and cream Tshirt
Two Of Your Favorite Things To Do: Be with family and clean the house
Two Things You Want Very Badly At This Moment: A new house and new furniture
Two Favorite Pets: Fatty my siamese kitty and Blackie, a cat I had growing up, she finally died last year and was 22 years old (well we actually had to take her in and put her to sleep)
Two People Who Will Fill This Out: ??
Two Things You Did Last Night: Spent some time at my mom's and picked up a prescription
Two Things You Ate Today: an apple and a hershey kiss
Two Last People You Talked To: My mom and Sean (our adoption lawyer)
Two Longest Car Rides: From Idaho to Texas and from Idaho to Nebraska
Two Favorite Holidays: 4th of July and Christmas
Two Favorite Vacations: Mexico and Lake Powell
Two Favorite Drinks: Grapefruit juice and this.
I was also tagged by Annalee
{Picture Me}
1. Go to http://www.flickr.com/
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
3. Use your favorite image of the subject.
Favorite Vacation Destination:
Tropical Island
Favorite Color:
All of them!
Dream Career:
Professional Shopper
Guilty Pleasure:
Favorite Hobby:
Creative Creating
Favorite Restraunt:
Favorite Actor/Actress:
Henry Cavill
Rees Witherspoon
Favorite Vehicle:
Vapor Blue VW Bug
Favorite Place to Shop for myself:
Down East Outfitters
Favorite Flower:
Wild Flowers
I Tag: Liz, Cherish, Liza, Morgan, My Recipe Group Gals, Kelie Casie,Calise and anyone else who wants to do it. Leave me a comment if you do, so I can check it out!! :)