I was tagged by Calise...
So here we go, First item on the list,
Item #2,
and no, I did not organize it before I took the picture. This is my fridge 9x out of 10 it looks like this, I'm OCD I tell you! It's pretty much a curse. Ugh. I'm almost embarassed my fridge isn't messy and normal looking!!
Item #3
Sorry, I'm a shoe girl! I couldn't pick just one, I love em' all!
Item #4
I know, another OCD... I have to have all white hangers in all of my closets and I like my closet sorted by colors. (Zach has the top half, and he won't comply with my OCD expectations) lol.
Item #5
My darks pile.
Item #6
What my kids are doing... RIGHT now... Brooklyn's eating some Dora Yogurt, and Braxton is sound asleep. (His little bassinet is getting pretty small... time to move him into his crib! It's hard to believe he's already getting SO big.
#7 Favorite Room in the House.
I really don't have one, but I do love my red wall in the kitchen. I'd better love it, it took about 7 coats of paint on that baby!
Never thought I'd take a picture of that.
#9 Fantasy Vacation
Okay there you go... I'm tagging Amberlee, Bekah,Genessa,Judy,Natalie,Pam,Christal,Shannon,Nichelle,Brianne, Lynn and of course anyone and everyone who really wants to do this!
Apr 24, 2008
10 Items Picture Tag...
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