We have been SO busy this week, isn't everyone though? It's been a little nicer weather here lately though and seems to help my production levels. Isn't that funny? If it's sunshiney ( I know I totally made that word up!), then I get SO much more done in my day. So a few updates here, Brooklyn is on day 3 of potty training, NO ACCIDENTS... knock on wood! We even ran a few errands and came back dry. She is totally excited about getting her "Barbie Princess" and we just started a sticker chart. I'm really getting TOO good at this bribery stuff, that's probably not a good thing. haha. Which brings me to this... I'm taking the Parenting with Love & Logic class, it starts tonight. I'm really excited about it, although I'll probably come back feeling like a failure as a parent and that I'm not doing a thing right! If anyone else is interested and in the area, the class is free, it's a six week course I believe and is held every Wed. night from 6-8pm @ Rocky Mountain Middle School.
Okay I am just curious about what you all think... do you like this swimming suit?
At first glance I thought it was pretty cute, now I can't decide. I've been seeing alot of them like this. I like that it is modest. You can check out the other suits they have at www.urbanoutfitters.com Also I LOVED this quote, I've seen it on a few different blogs while browsing, and I have wanted to post it for quite a while now. Maybe I use it to justify my blogging, but really this is why I blog. Even if no one else ever read my blog, I still think it's important for us to keep a record of our lives, no matter how you do it. Blogging sure makes it more fun though!! :)
And here is one more quote that I also loved, it was on Chantri's blog. (She's always got great stuff over on her blog!) "You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh you memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience." Gordon B. Hinckley.
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword
1 day ago