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We were able to go to the Rexburg Temple Open House last night. I debated and debated whether or not to take Brooklyn, because we got tickets for 8:40pm. After talking to a few of my friends who had taken their little ones, I decided we would brave it. I told Brooklyn all day long that we were going to go to the Temple tonight and that it was "Jesus' house" and that he would be watching, so we had to be very quiet and nice. She was a little Angel. She did so well and I am so glad we made the decision to take her. The peace that you feel in the Temple is just incredible. What a wonderful opportunity to be together as a family in the House of the Lord. The Temple was so beautiful and we are truly blessed to have two Temples so close to us. I have no excuse to not attend more frequently! If you are local, you can still go to the Open house. You can get information about it here. Anyone can go, and it is well worth your time!! It is such a special opportunity, that will probably never happen again so close to us.
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{Blog credits Michelle Underwood, Shiny Happy Life Kit}