Did you know that November is National Adoption Month? This month has flown right on by us and I've been meaning to do a post about this subject and look now it's almost over. Well, that's life right? lol. We are involved in a group called FSA (Families Supporting Adoption). We have met some of the greatest people in this organization! And we got to help set up this fantastic fireside involving Michael McLean, (he has a new book out called "From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours". You can get it Here. It is an amazing book and a great gift for anyone involved in the process of adoption!
We have recently put our adoption papers in again.You can check us out RIGHT HERE If you didn't know, Zach & I have been unable to have children on our own. We have been extremely blessed to be able to take this amazing journey through the process of adoption. We had the most positive experience getting our little Brooklyn! We couldn't ask for a better birth family. They are just like an extension of our own family. We just LOVE them to pieces! I can honestly tell you that Brooklyn's Birthmom, Brianna is the most beautiful girl I have ever met! She only wanted the very best for Brooklyn. She is so courageous, unselfish, and Christ-like. She is our miracle and an answer to our prayers. I know that adoption is sometimes viewed in a negative way so I just want to leave you all with this quote out of Michael's book... it says it perfectly: "Years of waiting. Months of planning. And now, in one matchless moment, the miracle at last occurs. There is so much love in this place and it's pure and true because none of the people in the room at this moment are as concerned about themselves as they are for one precious baby. Do all children who come to this earthly home get to feel this?".