Jan 17, 2011

What Matters the Most…

I absolutely LOVE this website.


Cute stay at home momma, that gives you fun little tips and activities on ways to be a better mom and more every single day!

So I’ve been thinking  allot about what is really important, we all know how much we love our families, but how often do our actions say something differently? Do you take the time to read endless bedtime stories every once in a while instead of picking just one SHORT book to get through? Will you sit down and play barbies with her because it’s her favorite thing ever and not just for 15 minutes, as long as she wants you to? Will you take them on that library trip you’ve been promising them for a couple of weeks? These are things that I need to be better about doing. Not rushing, just being there present with my children.


On Friday we had friends over for a sleepover, we played in the snow for hours that day, making snowmen, sledding.


We just enjoyed being together. I loved watching their faces light up when I pulled out the sugar cookies from the oven to decorate,

or DSCN8165 when we made a little craft together. It was a simple day, not one that I got much accomplished in the standards of the world, but I felt more alive, more energetic, & I slept good knowing that my children today knew exactly how much I loved them. Okay I didn’t really sleep that good, because after all we were having a sleep over and at 1:00 am we finally had to “turn the lights out” wink. wink. ;)

By the way we made these cute little snowman plate crafts! SO easy, the kids ages 3-5 all loved them. I loved that every single one was SO different, just like the kids themselves. CUTE!


All we did was take paper plates, hole punch and tie them together with yarn. Add any embellishments that you want, it can be as simple as you make it.

Have a great week, and spend a little extra time with your kids or someone you love.