Jul 30, 2009

Summer Faves...

I am SO excited to share this with you. (You all know how I ♥ to share good finds with you!) It is something that has changed our lives! Zach & I have been taking a new supplement. Do any of you take fish oil, to get your Omega 3's? Well we used to. They are now saying that fish oil, is obsolete. The new supplement we are taking is called K-48 plus. You can watch this video to learn more about the benefits of K-48 plus. I have to tell you I am ALWAYS skeptical about things, but this is the real deal. There are hundreds of doctors backing this up. I've even heard Dr. Oz talk about it on Oprah. Ha! :)

Zach has had back pain since I met him. It runs in his family. I don't remember Zach's back pain ever being gone, maybe once in our 8 year marriage, (when he was going to the chiropractor 3x a week), but he has noticed after taking the K-48, has lessened and often he has no pain at all, he tested it and after going off the K-48 and the pain came back.
My little sister was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis about a year ago. She is now taking K-48, and has noticed a difference in her memory and pain.
I took K-48 while trying to regulate my cycle, and it is helping (also with myPMS!) I have also heard testimonials about K-48 helping with joint pain, arthritis, autism, memory loss, high cholesterol, depression, & Autism! I know it may seem too good to be true, but I have personally witnessed the benefits! :)
I could go on and on with our own testimonials, but I don't want you to take my word for it, I'd love you to try it for yourself. This is the company we get ours from

If you have any questions about Krill, e-mail me I'm happy to research or get answers for you.
E-Mail me... sunshineinmysoul_33(at)yahoo(dot)com
I also wanted to spotlight another little product from this company, I ♥ their whole skin care line, but honestly I can't live without the Emerald Buffing Cream and I'm actually OUT right now! UGH! I'm hoping it will ship FAST! I use it in the shower every day, I have semi large pores, and so I am (embarrassed to admit) but I'm a combo skin girl, so I'm prone to acne on my forehead nose and chin, well you'd think now that I'm headed into my late twenties that would stop, but it hasn't, plus with my hormones so out of whack from infertility... well you get the picture. It's madness. This stuff helps and I never want to be with out it! It also evens out my skin tone and seems to make my pores smaller.
I gues I should tell you when I started using it after about a week I started breaking out! I was so mad and thought this stuff is not working! So I made Zach (because I hate confrontation he-he :) call the distributor and he said give it a little longer it's actually detoxifying your skin, and a few days later my face was clear.
In honor of my summer favorites and being healthy... lets do a give away! Leave me a comment - just tell me what product you would want to try... and if you win I'll let you choose between a bottle of Krill or a bottle of the Emerald Buffing Cream! :)
** Disclaimer, I am NOT a network marketing fan, but I am in love with these products, so I guess it's worth it to me! ** And for those of you who do love network marketing, I personally know family and friends who are making anywhere from $1000.00 extra a month to $20, 000.00 a month! So if you are looking for extra income, I can get you information on that side of this business too.
{I feel like an infomerical!} ha-ha! :) But seriously this stuff is A-MAZING!