Jul 16, 2009

It’s not really that I don’t have anything to post about, because I do! I just haven’t wanted to take the time out of my day to do it. I think this quote sums up my feelings right now:
" We live in a world that is filled with options. If we .are not careful, we will find every minute jammed with social events, classes, exercise time, book clubs, scrapbooking, church callings, music, sports, the Internet, and our favorite TV shows....Families need unstructured time when relationships can deepen and real parenting can take place. Take time to listen, to laugh, and to play together."
-M Russell Ballard
I do have a new obsession lately. It’s THIS.
Just go look at it. I am a foodie wannabe. I can cook, if I have a good recipe, but someday I want to make food look this beautiful. This is a really fun site, it’s called Stumble Upon, and it’s not just for food and recipes, there are other areas you can search through too.
Another AWESOME blog called We are ALL Mother's , LOVE it! If you have dealt with infertility, miscarriage, etc. Check her out. Even if you haven’t she’s an awesome photographer, crafty and creative! Very inspiring and one of the sweetest girls ever!! One look at this blog and I knew I would be adding it to my list of favorites! What are you waiting for? Go check her out! She’s fairly new to blogging, so leave her a comment!
Brooklyn and I made Glitter Play dough last week while Braxton was napping,. When I saw the recipe I knew it would be a hit with Brooklyn, her 3 favorite things were all involved: Pink, Glitter, and Play dough! She loved it.
Glitter Playdough
2 Cups Flour 2 Cups Water 1 Cup Salt 2 tsp. Cream of Tartar 2 T. Glitter Food Coloring of your choice Combine all ingredients in a medium sized saucepan. Stir well and continue to cook on medium heat. Continue to stir until mixture forms a soft ball. Let cool.
I’m planning a trip to the Library next week, we need some new books to read.
Any suggestions? What are your favorite books?
I thought I’d share with you a few of our favorite books right now.
{Brooklyn’s Favorites}
{This one is from when I was a little girl, I had to have it bound because it is falling apart! }
{These are Braxton’s two favorite books right now.}
{My 3 summer picks.}
Hope you are having a great week!