I guess you could say today was a BAD day. You know, we all have them {unfortunately}, I really am embarassed to say that, because I know it could be so much worse! So instead of dwelling on it I thought I'd lift myself up out from under my little dark cloud and focus on the positive. So I asked myself what did I LOVE about this week?? Well... first off it was my sister-in-law Linda's birthday on Monday! We got to eat Ice Cream Cake. Yum. {Happy Birthday Linda!}

Third canned some of this yummy apple pie filling!
Oh, and went grocery shopping {that's not the good part} and since Zach's out of town {that's not good either} we brought these little cuties home,... Yes, I know you are thinking didn't you just get a couple of kittens a while back, yes, but they had a short life span since we live on a busy road. Brooklyn was heart broken when we had to tell her that Cinderella had played in the road, and was gone. So I made Brooklyn tell Zach on the phone today about our little secret. It went much better than I had anticipated. :) So I guess they are here to stay! Oh and guess what she named them both...yep...CINDERELLA. Silly girl.
It was chilly last night, and guess what I broke out... THE HOT CHOCOLATE! I absolutely LOVE hot cocoa and guess what, my sweet mom gave me two new kinds to try!! Sweet!
I got this e-mail from Becky saying that SNAPFISH is doing this promotion for 50 4x6 prints for 1 CENT each! LOVE that! I needed to print some pictures too, so thank you Becky. The promotion ends Tuesday October 14th, so hurry over there, so you can get your cheap prints too!! Oh, use coupon code FALLPENNY08 at checkout. I also LOVE it when Brooklyn just out of the blue says "Mom, I luff you." She has said it a TON this week. I really hope she NEVER grows out of it... am I just being wishful?
Also I thought this little class looked like fun, it's free, so why not give it a try?! I really love trying something new. Go to http://www.jessicasprague.com/ to sign up and take the class with me! Registration starts October 20th
So there was ALOT of good in my week! :) Leave me a comment with what was good in YOUR week, and we'll do a drawing for one of those cute saftey pin bracelets {it may or may not be this color}
Have a GREAT weekend!!

So there was ALOT of good in my week! :) Leave me a comment with what was good in YOUR week, and we'll do a drawing for one of those cute saftey pin bracelets {it may or may not be this color}