I have a few different tags I need to catch up on. I know you are all dreading this, I'll make it short and sweet I promise. :) I was surfing through bloglines... and I saw that Christal had given me
this award! Well... it made my day! So thanks Christal! So now it's my turn to award this to a few of my favorite..."You Make My Day" Blogs! I really LOVE all my blogging friends and I really do find that all of you make my day, but two that stand out to me are... I'll probably do a few of these since really, I love all of your blogs! Hanna's... Our life in Full Bloom, she's the cutest little mommy ever. She is the craft queen! I would love to spend a whole month just crafting away with her and getting fun ideas! She is laid back and loves to have a good time. She is so giving, and always thinking about others. I love your blog Han... My next pick for the make my day award is Alison's... blog...This is My Joy, she is also an amazing mommy. She has so much energy and gets so much done in a day, it always totally inspires me! She is a great cook,and I also love to read about her cute little family (she has also adopted) and it has been so much fun getting to know her through blogging! Look at this cute little guy that I won on her blog a few weeks ago... he never leaves Braxton's side now. LOVE it!!
One other thing that really stands out to me is these girls' positive attitudes and sincere concern for others. Thanks for the inspiration girls! You make my day! :) I was tagged by: Ann-Michelle 1) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. 3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 1. I am majorly worried about hurting someone else's feelings or offending someone. I lay awake at night worrying about things I have said sometimes. Hate that guilt feeling. So if I have hurt your feelings... or offended you, I promise I didn't mean to! Please accept my appologies right now. :) 2. I eat almost everything with a fork. I am getting better about this. It all started when I was younger, I don't like milk and if I used a fork to eat my cereal, it would drain the milk out as I ate. 3. I love reading tags about everyone else, I can't think of anything interesting to write when I do them. 4. I love to read, but I can read a whole book, really fast, and then a few days later okay maybe at best a few weeks later, I can't remember anything I read, this makes me a horrible test taker, and awful awful at math! 5. I have to look over each piece of silverware that I set out on the table or grab to eat with, just to make sure there's no little dried pieces of food on one of them, I seriously gag, if I see it's even a little dirty still. 6. I want to build an orphange in another 3rd world country or I would love to spend time in one. Before I was married that was my goal, and when Zach asked me to marry him, I made him promise to take me to one one day. (Kind of ironic, since we have adopted now). 7. I love Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey, as much as I get teased about this, I don't even care, I still LOVE em both! 8. I often buy clothes that I think I love and then a few weeks later, I'm thinking I hate this shirt what was I thinking, so I make alot of trips to the DI. It drives me nuts, even if I research it out and think I am really loving my new product, I usually end up wishing I had gotten something else. (Don't tell Zach, but I really hope it's not the case with my new stroller, which still hasn't arrived yet) Ugh. Okay there you go... 8 random fact. I tag, everyone on my list that hasn't done this tag before. One more thing I wanted to share... me and my sister in law Amber got together on Friday and made these, for our girls for the 4th of July, aren't they cute! I love them and they were so easy... I got the instructions RIGHT HERE , and since I have some left over ribbon, I'm going to make a few more sets, I'll do a random drawing for them, so if you want in the drawing just say so in your comment. :)