I just happend upon this site... you know how it goes, you click on one blog and then see a link that catches your eye on their site, follow it and before you know it you aren't really sure how you got to the blog you are on! C'mon I know it's not just me that does that. :) Well I came across The Goodie Box and saw these
cute cards that they were giving away... who doesn't like a give away?! So I posted my little comment and then today... I get a notice saying I WON! How fun is that?! So check these girls out at the The Goodie Box today! Who knows what they will be giving away next and it could be you who gets it! And look how cute this fabric is... I'm am so excited to make a cute baby quilt with it for my sister-in-law Linda. So fun. I better get going on it though, she is due at the end of December. :)
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword
1 day ago